PrimeBMD celebrated Halloween this year through a party and a Trick or Treat activity with our staff’s children. The activity was held at our head office on Oct 30, 2019.
The celebration commenced with a hearty lunch for the staff and the young early birds, and by mid-afternoon, the PrimeBMD kids paraded their creative costumes in the office as everyone enjoyed a delicious merienda.
We also hosted games for the children, and all winners were given goodie bags. The last activity was the Trick or Treat event, where the kids roamed the office and our staff handed each of them sweet delights for them to collect in their pumpkin-designed baskets. We also awarded the youngster with the best and most accurate costume: Euan Pastoral, who dressed up as Harry Potter.
This Halloween event was held to strengthen the ties among our employees and families.
PrimeBMD seeks to hold more fun and interactive events that involve its employees’ kids and significant others, since Family is one of our core values which we aim to further enrich as our business grows.